
"Took a short break from client activities yesterday to support the excellent work Dennise Hilliman does as Director of The LEAD Curriculum. The students at Harrow School provided vital feedback which I will carry into my next engagement."
Rudi Sellers
Senior Consulting Manager at IBM IX
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An employee mentor describes how getting involved made him feel.


A young person shares the benefits of interacting with employees.


Head of Business & Economics of Harrow school explains why they engage with LEAD.


Students developing listening skills with IBM.


Sharing their experience of the extended programme.

"The quality of self inquisition brought about the leadership development course has taken me to places, in my thinking, where no other course has taken me. She (Dennise Hilliman) is very encouraging and supportive. She constantly reminds me that focousing on the positives is the best way forward. I have learnt so much from our sessions which have taken on board and used to support others in my network."

Dr. Delroy Dunkley
Assistant Headteacher - St Martins in the fields

"I authentically attribute my promotion to manage vocational Studies in my School to her, as she told me how to show my strengths and improve my weaknesses. Her words of wisdom have built in me more confidence and I am more astute in my endeavours, Dennise is simply the best. She genuinely cares and will go the extra mile to ensure success for those whom she support. I would sit under her leadership and mentorship anytime."

Dean Watson
Assistant Headteacher - St Martins in the Fields

"I wanted to say again how great The LEAD Curriculum Bridging Gaps event was! Very well done! From the reception on the front desk, through to the presentation of the room, Shaun Bailey, the dynamic panel and fabulous turn out you should be proud! I was particularly impressed to see some of your former students seek you out. A real testament to your own example as a leader in education."

Sandra Kerr OBE
Race Equality Director -Business In The Community

"The LEAD Curriculum has provided guidance and has led to a real change in staff as we approach the final run to the exam. I have new confidence in the quality of the data as it goes into the spreadsheet and this gives me confidence we will meet the targets set."

John Brameld
Head of Business and Economics- Burntwood School

"I would like to congratulate Dennise Hilliman on being a finalist in this year’s Black British Business Awards. This award has recognized Dennise’s exceptional talent in leadership and service, by promoting the work she has done through the..."

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Shaun Bailey
London Wide Assembly Member

"…my role has now changed, from National Project Manager to General Manager – and I believe it is through observing and absorbing the attitudes of The LEAD Curriculum mentors/contributors that I have been able to achieve this. …my progress can be attributed to the effect of LEAD on an adult learner so thank you!"

Kierann Shah
General Manager
National Space Academy UK

"…I would just like to say thank you and that it had been an absolute privilege and amazing experience participating in all the events and more important of all it actually showed me that anything is possible and that you could start a business in less than a week."

Farzad Ahmadi
Student who participated in one of our leadership challenge events

"By collaborating with The LEAD Curriculum, our efforts and achievements demonstrated support to IBM’s diversity, talent and business priorities"

Jan Sinclair
Global Immigration Lead - MAO.
ConnectingWomen@IBM UK Lead.

"Interacting with the children made me realize we need to change or channels and devices to engage under 21s"

Christine Balogun
Change Risk Manager
Lloyds Banking Group